How can I reduce my tax bill?
There are number of simple steps which you can take to help reduce your tax bill.
But don’t forget the GOLDEN RULE: don’t save tax at the expense of commercial benefits. Better to earn £1 profit and pay 40p tax than to forgo 60p net profit in order to pay no tax at all.
- Divide your assets and income with your spouse so that best use is made of allowances and rate bands.
- Consider paying contributions to a personal pension or stakeholder pension plan.
- Make sure you claim all business expenses to which you are entitled.
- Claim all the reliefs and allowances to which you are entitled.
- Do not overlook capital allowances on plant and machinery.
- If you are trading as a sole trade or partnership, consider incorporation.
- Make use of tax-free investments such as ISA’s and National Savings Certificates.